At the beginning after getting abandoned from our partners, we have the intense desire to fix the relationship. The problem is the other person doesn’t share in your desire to make it work. After you try multiple times to reconnect and all they do is block your advances, it is natural for the rejection to turn into anger and resentment. Just remember this is also a normal reaction. It is the first step in moving toward getting back in control of your life.

There are only two words I can offer for people who are considering acting out during their time of anger and resentment. The words are, “Think first.” Once you say something or do something you cannot take it back. I have witnessed people who state that they will never see the ex again, so they don’t worry about burning the bridge. Letting go has more to do with your benefit than theirs. If you leaving a destructive path behind you because of anger toward your ex, remember that they can react and post on social media or speak to others about your irrational behavior. It is too easy in today’s world to slam a person’s reputation. What you put out negatively, or positively, will come back to you. Think first!

The most difficult place to reach in your mind is knowing that you have your own life to live. When you tie your emotional energy to another person, it is stealing from the progress you can make toward your own future. Think in advance of where you are spending your energy. The partner wanted the relationship over, so let them have their way. Make your life the best it can be and stay in control of your own direction. Self care is always the answer.